Effectiveness Of Task Based Language Teaching Methods In English Learning

Manggopa, Rolina Emmy and Sondakh, Nixon and Tumiwa, Kiet (2018) Effectiveness Of Task Based Language Teaching Methods In English Learning. ICAST.

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This research aims to determine the implementation of English learning based on competency-based curriculum with the effectiveness approach of Task Based Language Teaching (TBLT). The results showed that the implementation of English learning, using Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), with the Task Based Language Teaching approach, was more effective in terms of time and achievement of student competence, meaningful, and favored by students. From the learning results obtained show, there is an increase between cycles for cognitive aspects of 3.29%, and the affective aspect of 2.22% for criterion A (good) which is accompanied by a decrease of 2.22% for criterion B (enough). While in the psychomotor aspect, there was a decrease of 2.23% for criterion A (good) with an increase of 2.23% for criterion B (enough). In addition, specifically the cognitive aspects, compared to previous years showed an increase in the average value of 14.73 compared to the 2017/2018 school year, and amounting to 10.68 school year 2016/2017. The results of testing and processing data obtained t count 23.74 while the t test value of one party with dk = 40 α = 0.05 it turns out t table = 1.980 α = 0.01 because the value of t count> t table Ha is accepted, thus the effectiveness TBLT method (X1), towards student achievement (Y) at Manado State Polytechnic, partially significant at the level of 1% and 5% so that it can be concluded, there is an influence between the effectiveness of TBLT method on student learning achievement at Manado State Polytechnic, or Ha accepted Keywords— Effectiveness, Task, Based, Language, Teaching, Achievement, Learning, Students

Item Type: Article
Subjects: O Review > OA Peer Review
Divisions: Niaga > Jurusan Akuntansi
Depositing User: Samuel Johannes
Date Deposited: 10 Jul 2021 10:16
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2021 10:16
URI: http://repository.polimdo.ac.id/id/eprint/2273

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